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FPA Information

The FPA was founded in 1888 and is the oldest and largest association of foreign correspondents in the world.

Its mission is to support the work of foreign correspondents in the UK by facilitating access to Parliament, Downing Street, government departments, Royal Palaces and so much more.

The FPA runs the Foreign Lobby of international correspondents following politics and holds regular briefings with Number10 Downing Street and the Foreign Office, as well as many other departments, including Defence, Treasury, Health and Culture, Media and Sport. The FPA is also the only association that can provide foreign journalists with access to Parliament.

We have a weekly bulletin – The FPA Confidential  – that goes out every week with a list of upcoming briefings and events, and we also organise a number of networking opportunities throughout the year for correspondents to meet each other outside of briefings.

All bona fide foreign journalists can join: from print and news agencies to broadcast and digital. Freelancers are welcome in all categories.